Part 3


The game
The author
  The designer
Harald Lieske
The publisher
Edition Bohrtürme
Blog / News
  I guess it is not that easy to find a basic idea for the design. How do you work on that? How was the creative process with "Schwarzes Gold"?

At the beginning is the theme of the game - when and where does the story play? Here I start with research. In this case it was interesting for me that the game bases on the existing game "Gigants (Kosmos) - so the cover is also a kind of hommage to the Giganten-Cover of Franz Vohwinkel.

Well it must be hard to be in line with the ideas of the client, or isn't it?

Customers have the possibility to look at my work on my webpages in the first place. But the development of the design is a work done in direct collaboration with the customer (mostly the publisher, sometimes the author). So I am not doing only "my" thing.

How about the designing process? How does ot work? Is it always the same principle?

Well, yes. First, the development of a first sketch. Then the transfer into a real design, corrections and the development of layout and data for the printing process - depending on the contract. However, it always feels kind of "new", since every project has it's pecularities.